My dress and shoes were easy to find. I got my dress online fairly quickly and despite buying a different dress and going dress shopping with my mom about three times, that step was moderately stress free. To get my shoes, I brought my dress to the shoe department at Bloomingdale's and bought the first pair that I tried on.

These are them! I haven't finalized my accessories but I know that they will be gold and simple.
The only problem is that these are the only things that have been planned. For example, I don't have a date (and I've more or less given up on that hope) and tickets are only on sale next week. You want to know the saddest thing? I almost feel guilty about wanting a date. Maybe guilty isn't the best word... I feel like I'm betraying some false perception that people have of me. To give an example of that, a good friend of mine was shocked to hear that I want a date because I'm a feminist or something. Wow, really? 1. caring about gender equality doesn't make someone an aspiring cat lady or freak and 2. I'm 17, it's prom, do the math. The way I wrote that brings up another problem— I'm too harsh. I am fully aware that I come off that way but I almost can't help it! ...Almost. Yes, I could stop sharing my opinions but what fun would that be? Maybe I won't get a date to prom because I like substantive discussion and I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe in (or maybe that's totally not the reason) but at least I'm going to look
Also, no duh, I did my nails. I'm boring. Maybe that's why I don't have a date. And mom, if you're reading this, I don't want to go with one of your friends' sons.
Wondering why this picture is so much better than the other ones? It's because I got an iPhone!